The rolla-wipa is your top painters tool to clean your roller sleeve efficiently and effectively. Ever wondered how to clean your Rolla-wipa though? There are two easy ways to clean a Rolla-wipa once you’ve used it to remove excess paint from a roller sleeve.
If you’ll be changing to a different paint colour throughout the day, we recommend cleaning your Rolla-wipa between uses. If you still have wet paint on your Rolla-wipa you risk mixing colours, so rinse the paint off with water after the first use so that you can use it again a bit later with a new colour.

If you’re cleaning up your paint roller at the end of the day, we recommend leaving the paint on your Rolla-wipa overnight to dry. Then in the morning, peel the paint off for a quick and unmessy clean up. The dried paint can go straight into waste rather than being washed away using water.
You might also be interested in our blog that covers how to store leftover paint.
For more tips to make painting and clean-up easier, check out our blog.
Happy painting!